Feb '08 issue - Paying Your Dues - Acrux Fanzine

Acrux Fanzine

The first star of the Southern Cross


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Sunday 10 February 2008

Feb '08 issue - Paying Your Dues

They say that if a shark stops moving he drowns. I don't know how true that is, but life's a bit like that: without constant change, development - hopefully improvement - we cease to grow. One of the things I am chasing with this fanzine (besides a Hugo!) is the Holy Grail of fan publishing, the 'zine that is up to the minute ... but still tries to follow the look and feel of the traditional monthly fanzine.

At different times I am an apologist for technology, a Luddite who decries the death of hand-crafted word-smithing, the leasure of sitting and reading a book and at others I am constantly looking for more up-to-the-minute information on websites, forums and newspapers. In effect, I want the best of both worlds - the leisurely, considered comment of magazines & books and the immediacy of broadcast news and personal interaction.

What brought this to mind was my leg-work during the week doing research on fan productions - I don't just get it from Google news y'know! I have to go out looking for it! I think of it as "paying my dues". Just like the shark, Star Trek fan productions are constantly in movement, new ones starting up, established groups releasing new productions and the thousand-and-one permutations in between that make it a dynamic field of interest.

The problem is, how best to report it on this 'zine? Ideally news should be as fresh as possible and there should be the option for getting your news as it happens. However many people might only want a 'monthly magazine' type summary of what's gone on during the month so that they can pick and chose what is of interest to them.

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